- John Marshall. The news voters use: Information consumption and electoral account-ability in Mexico. [book outline]
- Bowles, Jeremy, Kevin Croke, Horacio Larreguy, Shelley Liu, and John Marshall. Forthcoming. Sustaining Exposure to Fact-checks: Misinformation Discernment, Media Consumption, and its Political Implications. American Political Science Review. [registration]
- Enríquez, José Ramón, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Alberto Simpser. 2024. Mass political information on social media: Facebook ads, electorate saturation, and electoral accountability in Mexico. Journal of the European Economic Association 22(4):1678-1722. [preprint], [registration], [replication]
- Bhandari, Abhit, Horacio Larreguy, and John Marshall. 2023. Able and mostly willing: An empirical anatomy of information’s effect on voter-driven accountability in Senegal. American Journal of Political Science 67(4):1040-1066. [preprint], [registration], [replication], [AJPS blog]
- Arias, Eric, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Pablo Querubín. 2022. Priors rule: When do malfeasance revelations help or hurt incumbent parties? Journal of the European Economic Association 20(4):1433-1477. [preprint], [registration], [replication], [EGAP Metaketa I project]
- Alt, James E., Amalie Jensen, Horacio Larreguy, David D. Lassen, and John Marshall. 2022. Diffusing political concerns: How unemployment information passed between social ties influences Danish voters. Journal of Politics 84(1):383-404. [preprint], [replication]
- Larreguy, Horacio, John Marshall, and James M. Snyder Jr. 2020. Publicising malfeasance: When the local media structure facilitates electoral accountability in Mexico. Economic Journal 130(631):2291-2327. [preprint], [replication], [Nieman lab], [Global Anti-Corruption blog]
- Larreguy, Horacio and John Marshall. 2020. The Incentives and Effects of Independent and Government-Controlled Media in the Developing World. In the Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, edited by Elizabeth Suhay, Bernard Grofman, and Alexander Trechsel. Oxford University Press. Pages 590-617. [preprint]
- Arias, Eric, Pablo Balán, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Pablo Querubín. 2019. Information Provision, Voter Coordination, and Electoral Accountability: Evidence from Mexican Social Networks. American Political Science Review 113(2):475-498. [preprint], [replication]
- Dunning, Thad, Guy Grossman, Macartan Humphreys, Susan Hyde, Craig McIntosh, Gareth Nellis, Claire L. Adida, Eric Arias, Clara Bicalho, Taylor C. Boas, Mark T. Buntaine, Simon Chauchard, Anirvan Chowdhury, Jessica Gottlieb, F. Daniel Hidalgo, Marcus Holmlund, Ryan Jablonski, Eric Kramon, Horacio Larreguy, Malte Lierl, John Marshall, Gwyneth McClendon, Marcus A. Melo, Daniel L. Nielson, Paula M. Pickering, Melina R. Platas, Pablo Querubín, Pia Raffler, and Neelanjan Sircar. 2019. Voter information campaigns and political accountability: Cumulative findings from a preregistered meta-analysis of coordinated trials. Science Advances 5(7):eaaw2612. [registration], [replication], [EGAP Metaketa I project]
- Arias, Eric, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Pablo Querubín. 2019. When Does Information Increase Electoral Accountability? Lessons from a Field Experiment In Mexico. In Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning: Lessons from Metaketa I, edited by Thad Dunning, Guy Grossman, Macartan Humphreys, Susan Hyde, Craig McIntosh, and Gareth Nellis. Cambridge University Press. Pages 118-155. [registration], [EGAP Metaketa I project]
- Marshall, John. 2019. Signaling sophistication: How social expectations can increase political information acquisition. Journal of Politics 81(1):167-186. [preprint], [replication]
- Larreguy, Horacio, John Marshall, and James M. Snyder Jr. 2018. Leveling the playing field: How equalizing access to campaign advertising helps locally non-dominant parties in consolidating democracies. Journal of the European Economic Association 16(6):1812-1849. [preprint], [replication]
- Alt, James E., David D. Lassen, and John Marshall. 2016. Credible sources and sophisticated voters: When does new information induce economic voting? Journal of Politics 78(2):327-343. [preprint], [replication]
- Marshall, John and Stephen D. Fisher. 2015. Economic Globalization and Declining Electoral Turnout: Compensation, Constraint and Ownership. British Journal of Political Science 45(2):353-389. [preprint], [replication], [Democratic Audit UK]
- Marshall, John. 2023. Political information cycles: When do voters sanction incumbent parties for high homicide rates? R&R, Journal of the European Economic Association.
- Arias, Eric, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Pablo Querubín. 2019. When does information influence voters? Evidence from a field experiment varying the content and form of government performance leaflets. R&R, Latin American Economic Review. [registration], [EGAP Metaketa I project]
- Bowles, Jeremy, John Marshall, and Pia Raffler. 2024. Access to social media and support for elected autocrats: Field experimental and observational evidence from Uganda. [registration]
- Kronick, Dorothy and John Marshall. 2024. Collateral censorship: Theory and evidence from Venezuela. Working paper.
- Henn, Soeren J., Horacio Larreguy, and John Marshall. 2024. How unobserved investments inhibit public service delivery in corrupt environments. Working paper.
- Lucas, Christopher, John Marshall, and Zara Riaz. 2020. Don’t read all about it: Drug trafficking organizations and media reporting on violence in Mexico. Working paper.
- Larreguy, Horacio, Christopher Lucas, and John Marshall. 2024. When do media stations support political accountability? Evidence from a field experiment in Mexico. Working paper (available upon request). [registration]
- Enríquez, José Ramón, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Alberto Simpser. 2024. Accountability under political polarization. Working paper (available upon request). [registration]
Education, political preferences, and voting behavior
- Marshall, John. 2019. The anti-Democrat diploma: How high school education decreases support for the Democratic party. American Journal of Political Science 61(1):67-83. [preprint], [replication]
- Cavaille, Charlotte and John Marshall. 2019. Education and anti-immigration attitudes: Evidence from compulsory schooling reforms across Western Europe. American Political Science Review 113(1):254-263. [preprint], [replication; the syntax and bias correction method for the “rdrobust” command have been updated since we published this paper]
- Larreguy, Horacio and John Marshall. 2017. The effect of education on political engagement in non-consolidated democracies: Evidence from Nigeria. Review of Economics and Statistics 99(3):387-401. [preprint], [replication]
- Croke, Kevin, Guy Grossman, Horacio Larreguy, and John Marshall. 2016. Deliberate disengagement: How education can decrease political participation in electoral authoritarian regimes. American Political Science Review 110(3):579-600. [preprint], [replication]
- Marshall, John. 2016. Education and voting Conservative: Evidence from a major schooling reform in Great Britain. Journal of Politics 78(2):382-395. [preprint], [replication; the syntax and bias correction method for the “rdrobust” command have been updated since I published this paper]
Clientelism and party election strategies
- Cruz, Cesi, Horacio Larreguy, and John Marshall. 2020. Social network effects in developing countries. In the Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, edited by Elizabeth Suhay, Bernard Grofman, and Alexander Trechsel. Oxford University Press. Pages 645-667. [preprint]
- Larreguy, Horacio, John Marshall, and Pablo Querubín. 2016. When do parties buy turnout? How monitoring capacity facilitates voter mobilization in Mexico. American Political Science Review 110(1):160-179. [preprint], [replication]
- Larreguy, Horacio, John Marshall, and Laura Trucco. 2018. Breaking clientelism or rewarding incumbents? Evidence from an urban titling program in Mexico. Working paper.
- Barham, Elena, Sarah Z. Daly, Julian E. Gerez, John Marshall, and Oscar Pocasangre. 2023. Vaccine Diplomacy: How COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Latin America Increases Trust in Foreign Governments World Politics 75(4):826-875. [preprint], [replication], [Foreign Policy]
- Argote, Pablo, Elena Barham, Sarah Z. Daly, Julian E. Gerez, John Marshall, and Oscar Pocasangre. 2021. Messages that increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: Evidence from online experiments in six Latin American countries. PLoS One 16(10):e0259059. [registration], [replication], [Communication Initiative]
- Argote, Pablo, Elena Barham, Sarah Z. Daly, Julian E. Gerez, John Marshall, and Oscar Pocasangre. 2021. The Shot, the Message, and the Messenger: COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Latin America. Nature Partner Journal – Vaccines 6:118. [registration], [replication]
Statistical methods